Snow White Cherimoyas

In Quechua, their name means «cold seeds». Our cherimoyas are wonderful fruits; they are huge, one can weigh up to 3 pounds of sweet white pulp, with a flavor that reminds apples, bananas and strawberries.

They are perfect to be eaten on their own, discarding the black seeds, but are also used in desserts, juices, smoothies, ice creams, and fruit salads.

In Peru Cherimoya Cumbe is the most famous variety. You can buy them unripe when they are hard as stones, but in a few days at room temperature they will be ready, soft and creamy. Serve them very cold and eat them with a spoon. Or cut pieces of the seeded pulp in a glass and add orange juice for a refreshing dessert known as Chirimoya Alegre or «cheerful cherimoya».



  1. I think the cousin of this fruit is the custard apple, which is the exact same colour and taste, but the skin is much bumpier. This is a very lovely blog, by the way 🙂 Glad I stumbled across it 🙂

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