My birthday´s fig pavlova

 My birthday was in August, and to celebrate I was invited to have lunch in one of my favorite restaurants in the area: Eve, in Old Town Alexandria. The food is superb, the ambiance is lovely, and the service is first class.

As a dessert I had this espectacular pavlova, with gooey meringue layers, goat cheese mousse, and ripe figs with fig sauce. It was absolutely wonderful, gorgeous looking and really delicious. I´m not giving a recipe for this post, just this picture to give you an idea of this delightful dessert. And because I´m thinking that summer in Peru is just around the corner, and fat and juicy figs will be in the market very soon, you can be inspired to prepare something really creative and exquisite with this fruit.


  1. This is a beautiful dessert! I would just want to sit there and admire it.

  2. mmm que ricoooooooo.. I loved it !

  3. Yum, love figs. Never tried it with merengue. Sounds like a nice twist!
    Happy belated birthday!

  4. Figs are my favorite fruit! I love them! This dessert deserves to be photographed and framed on a wall! Looks amazing!

  5. That is a work of art! Very different. I love pavlovas.

  6. I used to hate figs as a kid, but LOVE them as an adult. I mean I love them ten times over, to sort of make up for hating them for so many years. My palate just wasn’t refined enough yet, I suppose! This looks fantastic. Next time I get my hands on some figs, I know what to do with them. 🙂

  7. I am with Ericka…I would just admire it! Beautiful…

  8. AHHH i love figs and this dish is so beautiful!

  9. Wow. Absolutely beautiful. I’ve never seen figs that red! (Come to think of it, maybe I’ve just never seen fresh figs!) Se me hace la boca un charco…

  10. I’ve never been to Eve but I hear great things. I recently made my first Pavlova and loved it! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  11. I’m curious to know what Peruvian dashes you may add, maybe un melado de guava? Please, please, please follow up with your «mad scientist» recipe. And if you need a guinea pig…

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